Traffic M.A.P.
Mobility. Analytics. Platform.

Our Services

Software as a Package


Traffic Analytics Package

Real-time Traffic Mobility Analysis

Real-time details of number of vehicles and road occupancy.

Graphical Visualization

Road Occupancy information of various stations aggregated in a map

Aggregated Traffic Information

Monitoring of multiple stations facilitated at a central location


Traffic Intelligence Package


Inference from accumulated data for policy making

Trends and Mobility Patterns

Picture trends and analyze mobility patterns over a time-frame.


Data Driven Decision Making

Our Features

  • #1

    Count and Classify various categories of vehicles like Tempo, Car, Bus, Truck, etc.

  • #2

    Estimation of Traffic based on Road Occupancy and its Visualization

  • #3

    Contribution to congestion by different vehicle types

  • #4

    Illegal Parking or Stalling Detection

  • #5

    Wrong-way driving detection

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Our Team

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

Ramesh Pathak

Lead Designer

Saramsha Dotel


Avishekh Shrestha


Anish Bhusal

Developer and Transportation Expert

Barun Pandey

Business Manager

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